My First Freelancing Week

online form

Well, it’s been a little over a week since I launched this site and started actively working on advancing my freelance writing career. It’s been a lot of work! But my first freelancing week has been exciting.

First off, I don’t think I’ve filled out as many forms in my entire life as I have over the past week. There are a lot of very useful websites around where freelance writers can pitch clients, have clients find them, or simply gain new information about the freelance business. I haven’t even signed up for all of them and I feel like I’ve already filled out a million forms. It gets a little tedious. But once I do it, then it’s done and I can simply focus on using the sites to my advantage.

I’ve also been doing some pitching. I have brainstormed a handful of ideas for articles that in my opinion are really interesting. Now I just have to find a good home for them! Pitching is a new thing for me so it’s been a daunting task.

One thing I’ve noticed is that I don’t have an adequate resumé or CV. Most of the places I’m pitching to don’t require either, but there are some I’ve passed on simply because I don’t have all the required info. Making a resumé seem full when I’m only just starting out with this will be tricky, but clearly I need to focus on that sooner rather than later. Freelance writer resumé research, here I come!

In other news, I took and passed the CompTIA A+, both the 901 and 902 tests. While this certification won’t really help my freelancing career much, it is still a difficult test to pass and I’m pretty proud of that achievement. And if this freelancing stuff doesn’t pan out, at least I’ll be able to fall back on being tech support for someone 🙂

I’ll have some exciting updates to tell you about in the next few weeks, so stay tuned!

C. Scott Brown

I'm a freelance writer specializing in technology, politics, and social commentary. Visit me at

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