Welcome to my brand new website to kick off my new freelancing journey! I’ve had a lot of fun creating it. It’s been a little strange being so focused on myself rather than some sort of project or collective, but other than the weird feeling of narcissism that comes with creating a “personal brand”, I’ve been enjoying myself quite a bit.
I become invigorated by starting new projects. For example, with this site, the moment I had installed WordPress on my server and got the friendly “Welcome To Your Dashboard” message, I felt a bit of a rush. “Here’s a blank slate for me to work with,” I thought to myself. I could do whatever I wanted with it…and what you’re looking at right now is what I decided to do!
You’ll notice I like to keep things pretty simple: lots of white space, only a few colors, easy-to-read text, simple graphics and fonts. The hardest thing about creating anything, but especially when creating websites, is to know what not to do. I’ll be the first to admit that my impulses tend to push me to keep cramming more stuff on top of more stuff, but I have gotten pretty good at stopping myself from doing that. With a site like this, it needs to be very easy and obvious for anyone visiting to find exactly what they’re looking for…and then leave. Let’s be honest: no one likes to hang out on another person’s personal site. They want to zoom in, get what they need, and zoom out.
Hopefully I’ve accomplished what I set out to do!
My “About” page gives a basic background to how I found myself building this site and starting down the path of trying to become a successful freelance writer. I hope with this blog I’ll be able to write about my successes and failures as I make my way on that journey. Right now, I’m pretty happy with this site and am going to go ahead and chalk it up as a success…with hopefully many more to come!
Feel free to drop me a line any time by heading over to the “Contact” page. See you later!
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